Strengthen Your Digital Defence
A Guide to Cyber Security Incident Response for New Zealand Primary Health Sector
A Guide to Cyber Security Incident Response for New Zealand Primary Health Sector
Video by Pukekohe Family Health Care on assisting patients getting the access where they need it.
GP Triage messaging – Patient Information Key information for patient when introducing GP/Clinical Triage at your practice.
An easy infographic on how to get yourself set up and ready for video consultations.
Credit: Waitematā District Health Board
A video for patients when attending a video consultation. Credit: Waitematā District Health Board
What you will need, and what to expect. Credit: Waitematā District Health Board
A piece of research, undertaken by Andrew Ure, which aims to assess the effectiveness of Telehealth in Aotearoa GPs.
How you can use a Pulse Oximeter to help you and your whānau manage Covid.
Recorded Webinar – to assist you with clinical triaging and telehealth.